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Appointment Fees

Unfortunately, whilst costs of living has steadily increased over the last 2 decades, the Medicare rebate (the amount the government pays) has not. Introducing fees are a way to keep the clinic open, with a high quality medical service. 


Bulk billl: Children under 16yo, Health Care Card holders and Pensioners.

General fees:

Medicare rebates and service fees

How do I pay?

Payment is on the same day of consultation, by cash or EFTPOS. A Medicare rebate will be directly deposited back into your account on the same day.

Is there a no show fee?

As you know it is difficult to get medical appointments, this allows enough time for any cancelled appointments to be filled. All no shows and cancellations within 2hrs of your appointment time will incur a fee of $40 (this must be paid before any further appointment can be made). 

Is there a fee for phone consults?

Yes, the same fees applies for phone consults.

Other services:

Mental health care plans and Mental health care plan reviews: out of pocket fees apply to 16yo and over, and patients without concession/pension cards.

Skin checks: This includes photo uploads of concerning lesions. Appointment is $130 (Medicare rebate of $80.10). Cryotherapy, biopsies/excisions are not included in this appointment.

Book now.

Cosmetic appointments:

  • Book in for initial FREE non obligatory consultation: Dr. Piyumi can assess and offer a treatment plan that is tailored to you. No treatment will be done in this initial consultation. Book now.

  • Book in for treatment: You are only suitable for this appointment if you have had a cosmetic consult by Dr. Piyumi before. Minimum $100 (not Medicare rebated), There will be a minimum fee of $100 (not Medicare rebated), which can go towards treatment. but is otherwise non-refundable. Visit the for more information (due to new 2024 TGA regulations, available treatments cannot be specified online.) Book now.

Phone: (03) 9471 0022

Fax: (03) 9471 3311

© 2023 Complete Care Medical Centre

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